एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं - how herbs.

  एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं यहां तक कि जुड़वा लोगों तक के लिए समान आहर अनुकूल नहीं जरूरी नहीं है  कि किसी खास किस्म का आहार हर व्यक्ति के लिए फायदेमंद होगा। वर्षों की रिसर्च से पता लगा है एक जैसी डाइट लेने वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए नतीजे अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं ।एक नई रिसर्च ने दर्शाया है कि दो व्यक्तियों में एक जैसे भोजन को पचाने की प्रक्रिया (मेटाबोलिज्म )पूरी तरह भिन्न रहती है। यहां तक कि एक समान डीएनए के जुड़वा लोगों में भी ऐसा होता है ।जेनेटिक विशेषज्ञ टीम स्पेक्टर कहते हैं ,जहां तक डाइट का मामला है हर आहार सभी लोगों के लिए फिट नहीं है ।स्पेक्टर की न्यूट्रिशन कंपनी जेड ओई ने इस रिसर्च में पैसा लगाया। पेन स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में न्यूट्रिशन पर रिसर्च कर रहे प्रोफेसर जैक हूय्वेल का कहना है ,एकदम सही पर्सनलाइज्ड डाइट हासिल करना बहुत कठिन है।  पर्सनलाइज्ड न्यूट्रीशन एकदम  नया मामला नहीं है। इसे कंपनियों ने बनाना शुरू कर दिया है ।जींस, बॉयोमार्कर के आधार पर आहार की सलाह देने के लिए कंजूमर के टेस्ट होते हैं। पिछले दशक के से फूड और ज...

Best 10 herbs uses in different diseases - howherbs.blogspot.com

       How herbs uses in different diseases - howherbs.blogspot.com

 1. Chronic fever and cough fever

In an earthen pot, soak 10 grams carom seeds and 2 ground peepers in half a cup of water for eight hours. Make a grass by mixing carom seeds and pepper in the same water in the morning. Making this hay every morning in the morning and taking it continuously for fifteen days as per requirement, also reduces chronic fever. Particularly effective in Kapha-fever.

Other method: -

Soak 10 grams of oregano in 500 grams of water in a blank pot and keep the pot in the shade in the daytime and in the dew in the night. On the next morning in the morning, drink its battered water to the patient. In this way, phlegm fever subsides within a few days after consuming the water of parsley. Apart from this, chronic constipation, yellowing of urine, liver, stomach and kaphaz disorders and rib swelling etc. are also related to complaints.


2. Excess of anger

Eating two ripe sweet apples without peeling them on an empty stomach in the morning pacifies the anger. Eat fifteen days in a row. The wrathful person who throws the plate and beat the wife and children will also be able to get rid of anger.

Special- For those people whose brain and muscles have become weak and students who do not remember the lesson, then the use of it removes weakness of the brain in a few days and increases the memory power. At the same time, due to a weak brain, cold-cold persists, it also disappears. The saying goes "Eat one save daily, get rid of the doctor."

Option-Amla should eat a piece of milk daily in the morning and in the evening, eat a spoonful of Gulkand and drink milk from above. Too much anger will stop.


3. Lots of sleep and lethargy

If you feel sleepy and your head hurts while reading, you should chew by putting a clove in the pan. This will reduce lethargy and pain. Sleep will not cause much trouble. Option- If there is a complaint of morning headache while reading or after studying late at night, make lemon tea and drink it. Instead of adding milk to it, make tea without milk (after boiling the tea leaf, do not mix milk in a cup of tea water). Drinking this tea relieves mental tension and brings freshness. You will experience elation at the place of lethargy throughout the day.

Supportive treatment- The practice of Vajrasana for sleepy hair is paramount. This asana is also helpful in removing the restlessness of the mind. Students who do not mind reading, should study with this posture.

4. Insomnia (sleepiness)

Grind the seeds of watermelon seeds and white poppy seeds separately and mix them in equal weight. Taking three grams of medicine in the morning and evening helps to sleep well at night, reduces blood pressure and cures headaches. Take one to three weeks as needed.

the option

(1) Grind 6 grams of poppy seeds, 250 grams of water and filter it with a cloth and mix 25 grams of sugar candy and take it once a day at four in the morning. Insomnia will go away. Take one to three weeks as needed.

(2) Boil three grams mint leaves (or one and a half gram dry leaves powder) in 200 grams of water for two minutes and filter. When lukewarm, add two teaspoons of honey to this mint tea, and drink it while sleeping at night, leading to deep and sweet sleep. Take as needed for three to four weeks.

Supportive treatment: -

(1) If sleep comes less or late, then before sleeping, the feet should be washed with lukewarm water and cleaned.

(2) Massage of mustard oil in the soles of the feet leads to deep sleep.

(3) Massage of almond rogan or amla or Brahmi oil in the head helps in getting good sleep.

(4) Before bedtime, lukewarm mustard oil, put four to four drops of it in both ears and apply a clean cotton to sleep deeply.

(5) Before going to bed at night, pouring a lint of mustard oil on mustard oil and putting a light bandage on top of the navel causes deep sleep.

(6) Keeping the feet warm at bedtime leads to good sleep, especially in winter.

 (7) Those who do not sleep or crave for deep sleep should eat raw onion with every meal. If you take onion salad only in dinner, sleep will be good.


 (8) Anxiety is a good medicine if you feel sleepy, anxious or have a feeling of intoxication, or have anxiety - lying down or sitting, until you feel comfortable, count down from 100 to 1 in mind (100,99, 98. .. 1) count. This treatment has been sent by the Ayurvedacharya Pt. Prabhunath Shastri (Benaras), near the Shani Mandir, Chowk Bazar, Burhanpur-450331 for public welfare.

 (9) Shankhpushpi has proved to be the best medicine in insomnia. Shankhpushpi is better than the habitual sleeping pills because it calms the mental tension and has a depressive effect on the heart and leads to sleep without side effects. The use of Shankhpushpi has proved to be very successful in calming the excruciating state of insomnia, nervousness and tremor caused by the overgrowth of the thyroid gland. The main function of this medicine is to maintain secretion balance. According to the scientists of the Central Drug Institute, the shellfish regulates secretion by directly affecting the cells of the thyroid and it is also able to remove the side effects caused by the use of allopathic antithyroid medication. these


(10) Jnana-mudra - The first finger near the thumb of the hand, ie, the index finger and the forefinger of the thumb are mutually touching (there is no need to press with mutual force). This posture should be practiced with both hands for maximum time ie on the move, lying on the bed or sitting somewhere. Chronic insomnia can be cured in two to three days only by practicing Gyan Mudra.

Note  :- how herbs provides information  of general nature that is designed for information purposes only.  

This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. 


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