एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं - how herbs.

  एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं यहां तक कि जुड़वा लोगों तक के लिए समान आहर अनुकूल नहीं जरूरी नहीं है  कि किसी खास किस्म का आहार हर व्यक्ति के लिए फायदेमंद होगा। वर्षों की रिसर्च से पता लगा है एक जैसी डाइट लेने वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए नतीजे अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं ।एक नई रिसर्च ने दर्शाया है कि दो व्यक्तियों में एक जैसे भोजन को पचाने की प्रक्रिया (मेटाबोलिज्म )पूरी तरह भिन्न रहती है। यहां तक कि एक समान डीएनए के जुड़वा लोगों में भी ऐसा होता है ।जेनेटिक विशेषज्ञ टीम स्पेक्टर कहते हैं ,जहां तक डाइट का मामला है हर आहार सभी लोगों के लिए फिट नहीं है ।स्पेक्टर की न्यूट्रिशन कंपनी जेड ओई ने इस रिसर्च में पैसा लगाया। पेन स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में न्यूट्रिशन पर रिसर्च कर रहे प्रोफेसर जैक हूय्वेल का कहना है ,एकदम सही पर्सनलाइज्ड डाइट हासिल करना बहुत कठिन है।  पर्सनलाइज्ड न्यूट्रीशन एकदम  नया मामला नहीं है। इसे कंपनियों ने बनाना शुरू कर दिया है ।जींस, बॉयोमार्कर के आधार पर आहार की सलाह देने के लिए कंजूमर के टेस्ट होते हैं। पिछले दशक के से फूड और ज...

How to increase immunity - howherbs

 How to increase immunity

At present time in the world or as well as in India the covid 19 disease is spreading very rapidly so,  at this time we need to increase immunity in our body. For increasing immunity in the body we share here some pranayam and ayurvedic herbs. & here we also share a healthy nutritional food. 

The pranayam are as follows :- 

1. Anulom-vilom :- first of all  you go for loo and comes back or sit at a comfortable place to do this pranayam. In this process you have to take breath from one hole  of nose ,close another hole after that leave the breath from another hole of nose & at this time close the another hole of nose.  Or vise versa. 


2. Kapalbati :- it is very helpful for those who are obese & also for all because of doing kapalbati our immunity is increasing & body will relax and digestion system is also makes good. The process of kapalbati is very simple you should sit on the ground by folding your legs or in relax mode after that you have to leave the breath through nose from stomach slowly. The time is 1 second  = 1 time leaving breath. 

3. Bhrashika :- those people who have tired or breathlessness very fast when doing any work they need to do this pranayam. In you have to take very fast breath or leave breath fastly. 

Note:- for better understanding about the doing process of these pranayam you can visit on YouTube and see the video of baba ramdev. 

Aayurvedic herbs are as follows :- 

Chavyanprash :- it is an ancient products which used for increasing immunity in the body.  It is made from approx 35 to 40 herbs. This is an natural product or it is easily available in the market at everywhere. 


At some places like Aayurvedic clinics it is made by them at home naturally. It cures asthma, cough, cold, weakness. It's main ingredient is amla. 

munaka :- it is also increase the immunity in the body. It is hydrate the body & remove the weakness from body. Generally this is taken by boiling these into milk,  or as a dry fruit. 

Dry fruits :- dry fruits like almond, chasew, kismiss, akrote, etc. Are talking for increasing immunity because these fruits contains more nutrition and vitamin and minerals. 


Giloy quath :- it is available in patanjali store. It is used to break the fiver and it is doing immune system strong in the body. 

Note :- Doing some exercise before taking these herbs for better digestion or better results.  

Note  :- how herbs provides information  of general nature that is designed for information purposes only.  

This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. 


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