एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं - how herbs.

Cancer disease and aloevera
How herbs cure cancer at home ( aloe Vera)
1. Taking algebra with carrot and lemon juice reduces the intensity of cancer disease.
2. If there is any type of cancer, take 21 leaves of basil (black leaf) by grinding or crushing it, mixing it in 100 grams of aloevera and taking it regularly after retiring from the toilet. Cancer disease is controlled and the disease starts curing slowly.
3. Taking 4 spoons of garlic juice and 50 grams of aloe Vera pulp daily controls cancer disease.
4. Applying paste on the breasts by grinding the root of turmeric and aloe Vera cures breast cancer.
5. Taking 10 grams of neem oil of neem, 50 grams of cowpea with the juice of aloe Vera daily, destroys all types of tumors, tumors, cancer in the body.
6. Taking 125 grams crushed powder 50 grams with aloevera in the morning and evening is possible to prevent cancer.
7. Mix the juice of bitter gourd and the pulp of aloevera and take it in the morning and evening, then cancer patient gets benefit in his aggravation and pain.
8. Regular consumption of melon juice and aloevera reduces the severity of cancer disease in 1 month.
9. Make a powder by mixing equal quantity of sweet potato, sweet koot, asangand and small peepal. Taking this powder 1-1 teaspoon daily with 100 grams fresh juice of aloe Vera , it is beneficial in throat cancer. Throat cancer, nodules, thyroid cancer are cured by taking only one-fourth spoonful of alum powder with the juice of cowpea.
10. Use 4 spoons of banana root juice and 1 spoon of turmeric with the juice of aloe Vera has been shown to be beneficial in cancer of the uterus and ovum.
11. Make a powder of equal quantity of cedarwood, licorice, root of blackberry, bay leaf, radish, carrot and fenugreek seeds. Take 1-1 spoon powder with 100 grams pulp of aloe Vera in the morning and evening, then the tumors of the uterus get cured.
12. Make a fine powder by drying the seeds of papaya. One tablespoon powdered 20 ml of aloe Vera. If taken empty stomach with juice, then liver inflammation and cirrhosis. Fixes in a month.
13. Taking half a gram of Nausadar, 4 spoons of amla juice and 4 spoons of aloe Vera juice has been shown to cure liver cancer. It is beneficial in Psoriasis.
14. Mix 20 ml powder of Triphala, dry ginger, black pepper, peepal, drumstick bark, barberry, kutki, giloy and punarnava. When taken with the pulp of aloevera, it is beneficial in cancer knots present in any part of the digestive system.
15. Eat 20 grams of basil leaves, 20 grams of carom seeds, 10 grams of rock salt and 100 grams of aloe Vera pulp every day on an empty stomach, then all kidney disorders are cured. It is beneficial in cancer occurring in the urinary system- prostate cancer, urinary gland tumor.
16.100 grams of aloe Vera pulp mixed with one spoon of punarnava root and eating it, it gets cured by purifying the blood of cancer nodes present in any part of the body.
17. If 10 grams pulp of aloevera is consumed daily in the morning and evening without eating or drinking anything in old age, then the person becomes long-lived. After that, by eating gooseberry murabba, a new youthful energy is generated in the body.
Note: The tips and advice given in the post are for general information only, it cannot be taken as professional medical advice. Before taking any step, please consult your doctor.
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