
Showing posts from June, 2021

एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं - how herbs.

  एक जैसी डाइट हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद नहीं यहां तक कि जुड़वा लोगों तक के लिए समान आहर अनुकूल नहीं जरूरी नहीं है  कि किसी खास किस्म का आहार हर व्यक्ति के लिए फायदेमंद होगा। वर्षों की रिसर्च से पता लगा है एक जैसी डाइट लेने वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए नतीजे अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं ।एक नई रिसर्च ने दर्शाया है कि दो व्यक्तियों में एक जैसे भोजन को पचाने की प्रक्रिया (मेटाबोलिज्म )पूरी तरह भिन्न रहती है। यहां तक कि एक समान डीएनए के जुड़वा लोगों में भी ऐसा होता है ।जेनेटिक विशेषज्ञ टीम स्पेक्टर कहते हैं ,जहां तक डाइट का मामला है हर आहार सभी लोगों के लिए फिट नहीं है ।स्पेक्टर की न्यूट्रिशन कंपनी जेड ओई ने इस रिसर्च में पैसा लगाया। पेन स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में न्यूट्रिशन पर रिसर्च कर रहे प्रोफेसर जैक हूय्वेल का कहना है ,एकदम सही पर्सनलाइज्ड डाइट हासिल करना बहुत कठिन है।  पर्सनलाइज्ड न्यूट्रीशन एकदम  नया मामला नहीं है। इसे कंपनियों ने बनाना शुरू कर दिया है ।जींस, बॉयोमार्कर के आधार पर आहार की सलाह देने के लिए कंजूमर के टेस्ट होते हैं। पिछले दशक के से फूड और ज...

How to control high blood pressure - how herbs

  High Blood Pressure  Mixing equal quantity of onion juice and pure honey, taking ten grams (two) spoons) once a day is effective treatment of blood pressure. special :- Onion juice prevents heart attack by reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Onion is a tonic for the nervous system, blood purifier, aids in digestion and improves heart function and prevents insomnia.  Honey has a sedative effect on the body and reduces high blood pressure by reducing the excitability of blood vessels and constricting them.  The use of honey makes the heart strong and strong. Take 5-7 days and see if there is benefit, take a few more days as needed. the option :- (1) Grind the kernel of watermelon seeds and poppy seeds (white) separately and keep it by mixing equal weight.  Take three grams (one teaspoon) in the morning on an empty stomach with water. It lowers blood pressure and helps you sleep well at night.  Headache also goes away. Consuming the kernels of w...

how herbs kill worms in stomach - how herbs.

                            how herbs kill worms in stomach - how herbs.  Worms in the stomach Method:- The first method for children of three years to five years - Take half gram powder of carom seeds and make a tablet in equal portion of jaggery and feed it thrice a day, all types of stomach worms are destroyed. Second method:- As soon as the child wakes up in the morning, take 10 grams (and 25 grams) of jaggery in the elderly and take rest for ten to fifteen minutes. Due to this, all the insects stuck in the intestines will come out and collect in one place.  Then the children should eat half a gram (and a large one or two grams) powder of carom seeds with water. Due to this, all types of worms present in the intestines are completely destroyed and they come out soon with the stool. Third method:- Mixing a pinch of black salt in half a gram of carom seeds and giving it with warm water daily at night destr...

How herbs cultivated ( aloevera) - howherbs.

                                    Cultivation of Aloe Vera   Species of aloe Vera  (Aloevera or Aloe Barbados) This is the main species of Aloe Vera  which is found especially in the provinces of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan etc. This is what works in medicine. (a) Suitable land  – Although aloe Vera  cultivation can be done on both unirrigated and irrigated landBut its cultivation should always be done on unirrigated land only. The land on which it is to be cultivated should not be filled with water and there should be proper drainage system. Its root does not go deep into the ground. It can be planted in all types of land.  (b) Climate  – It grows in all types of climate. Its yield can be obtained mainly in tropical regions.  (c) Seed Planting Material  – Aloe Vera is sown from its tubers/tubes. Land preparation: The field should be excav...

How to get fast relief in stomach pain - how herbs.

      How to get fast relief in stomach pain - how herbs.   How herbs cure stomach pain:-   Mix six parts of carom seeds and one part black salt (grated). Taking two grams (half teaspoon) of it with warm water provides instant relief in stomachache.  Give half the quantity to the children. It also removes bloating, air ball and stomach gas. special: -  (1) Eating it with ordinary water ends indigestion, anorexia and heartburn.  (2) Taking only powdered carom seeds with lukewarm water ends indigestion, cough, stomach tension, tumour, spleen, phlegm, phlegm and many types of air disorders.  Small and large earthworms in the stomach are destroyed. In all these complaints, take it for a week or two as needed.  (3) Ajwain alone contains the anti-nutritional properties of absinthe, the anti-inflammatory of asafetida and the incendiary properties of black pepper. ' Eka Yavani Shatamannapachika' means Ajwain alone is capable of digesting hundred...

How herbs cure skin diseases permanentally - how herbs.

  Best way to cure skin disorders from aloe Vera  1. Grind cumin seeds and mix it with the pulp of aloe Vera  and apply it on the burning part, then the burning sensation ends immediately. 2. On burning for a long time in the fire, the pulp of turmeric and aloe Vera works very effectively, due to which there is no damage to the skin at all. Even if the skin is more burnt, then regular application of aloe Vera juice mixed with turmeric starts the process of wound healing. 3. Mix the pulp of aloe Vera in rose juice, along with pure sandalwood powder and make a paste. If it is applied on the skin, then the damage caused by burns is reduced. 4. Grind mango kernels with the pulp of aloe Vera  and apply it on the old burn marks, the marks turn into natural skin. The freckles caused by burns dissolve and become normal skin. 5. Burn barley and apply its ashes and aloe Vera pulp on the burnt area immediately, it does not form blisters and the burning gets pacified. 6. Heat th...

How to make aloevera laddu, Halwa & vegetable - how herbs.

  How to make aloevera laddu, Halwa & vegetable - How herbs  Aloe Vera  can be used by any person from the point of view of health. There is no insecurity in its consumption. We can use the practice prevalent by the ancestors by making various materials in this way and can take advantage.   Powerful laddoos of aloe Vera:-  (1) Ingredients  -    aloe Vera pulp 500 grams; Desi Ghee - 500 grams; All purpose flour - 250 grams; sugar 500 grams Method:-   Make a paste by rubbing the pulp of aloe Vera with hands. Heat ghee in a greased or steel pan. When the ghee starts heating, then add the pulp of aloe Vera and cook it on low flame. When cooked, add flour and sugar and keep stirring. When the condition is ready to make laddus, take them off and cool them and make 50-50 grams of laddoos.                                             ...

7 best proven benefits of lemon tea in hindi लेमन टी के 7 बेहतरीन सिद्ध लाभ हिंदी में - how herbs.

  7 best proven benefits of lemon tea in hindi लेमन टी के 7 बेहतरीन सिद्ध लाभ हिंदी में  How herbs :-  1.लीवर को शुद्ध करने में सहायक ( detoxing liver) :-  नींबू में साइट्रिक एसिड की मात्रा उल्लेखनीय रूप से अधिक होती है, जो लीवर को शुद्ध करने में सहायता करती है।  सुबह खाली पेट नींबू की चाय का सेवन करने से लीवर में जमा सभी अपशिष्ट और विषाक्त पदार्थों से छुटकारा मिलता है और इस तरह शरीर को पूरी तरह से डिटॉक्सीफाई करता है। 2.पाचन क्रिया को बढ़ाता है( improve digestive system) :-  लेमन टी में कार्बोहाइड्रेट का केवल एक छोटा सा हिस्सा होता है जो साधारण शर्करा और आहार फाइबर के रूप में मौजूद होता है।  ये फाइबर साधारण शर्करा के प्रसंस्करण को धीमा करने के लिए कार्य करते हैं, जिससे आंत के स्वास्थ्य में वृद्धि होती है और चयापचय को नियंत्रित करता है।  भारी भोजन के बाद एक कप नींबू की चाय पीने से पाचन में काफी सुधार होता है। 3.संक्रामक रोगों का मुकाबला( create antibody) :-  लेमन टी में थोड़ा सा शहद मिलाकर खाने के बाद खाने से खांसी और जुकाम होने पर शरीर में द...

Use these herbs to increase your immunity at home - how herbs.

             Use these herbs to increase your immunity  - how herbs. What is immunity :- It is a power or capability to fight with diseases, immunity is  help to make antibody in our body. Why we need  to increase immunity :- We need to increase immunity at present time because there are many diseases, viruses, etc.  Spreading regularly, we need immunity to fight with all diseases and viruses. our immunity makes antibody in our body to fight with viruses and disease. So,  use these herbs to increase immunity. :-  How to increase immunity :- To increase immunity eat dry fruits, giloy kuwath, ginger, garlic, tulsi, black paper, cloves,and do some exercise & pranayam, yoga  in morning. Also drink turmeric milk to increase immunity.                                                      ...

How herbs cure cancer (aloevera) - how herbs.

                                       Cancer disease and aloevera                         How herbs cure cancer at home  ( aloe Vera)  1. Taking algebra with carrot and lemon juice reduces the intensity of cancer disease.  2. If there is any type of cancer, take 21 leaves of basil (black leaf) by grinding or crushing it, mixing it in 100 grams of aloevera and taking it regularly after retiring from the toilet. Cancer disease is controlled and the disease starts curing slowly. 3. Taking 4 spoons of garlic juice and 50 grams of aloe Vera pulp daily controls cancer disease.  4. Applying paste on the breasts by grinding the root of turmeric and aloe Vera cures breast cancer.  5. Taking 10 grams of neem oil of neem, 50 grams of cowpea with the juice of aloe Vera daily, destroys all types of tumors, tumors, ca...

9 best proven benefits of grapes - how herbs .

              9 best proven benefits of grapes  How grapes benefited us :- With the changing seasons, you also need to make some changes in your diet. Such as seasonal and local vegetables and fruits. One fruit that is in season these days is grapes! Sweet and super fresh, grapes are incredibly healthy too.  This fruit is packed with vitamins C and K, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants such as resveratrol and beta carotene. The benefits of eating grapes are amazing. These can help prevent chronic diseases.  Juicy grapes hanging in bunches can do wonders for health! Apart from the delicious taste, grapes are also packed with nutrition.  From strengthening immunity to lowering cholesterol levels, the health benefits of eating grapes are tremendous. Along with this, this fruit is very beneficial till preventing cancer and keeping blood sugar level under control.  The benefits of grapes for healthy skin are consid...

How herbs cure jaundice - how herbs.

                        How herbs cure jaundice Clean three to four new leaves of Peepal tree with water and grind it finely with sugar candy or sugar mixed with grated powder or on a shill.  Dissolve it in a glass (250 grams) of water and filter it with a clean cloth. Give this syrup of peepal leaves to the polio patient twice a day. Give it from three days to seven days as per the requirement. Jaundice will get rid of. special:- Jaundice treatment :-  (1) This simple and successful treatment of jaundice is self-realized by Shri Saubhagyamal Ji Begani of Jaipur. He has written- "A few years ago I had polio. Allopathic treatment was on but it was not taking the name of recovery for a month. Once the jaundice had worsened and the second time there was a possibility of getting worse (relapse) I stopped the treatment. On the advice of an experienced person from the village, I made syrup from the above mentioned peepal le...

Best 9 proven benefits of coconut water in hindi , नारियल पानी के फायदे - how herbs.

          How herbs made us fit ,नारियल पानी के फायदे बाजार में विभिन्न आकर्षक सुगंधित और पौष्टिक पेय के बावजूद नारियल पानी कभी भी चलन से बाहर नहीं होता है। यह एक चमत्कारी पेय है जो हमारे शरीर के लिए कई तरह से फायदेमंद होता है। दुनिया भर के उष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्रों में सदियों से नारियल पानी का सेवन किया जाता रहा है। आयुर्वेद में, नारियल पानी को शरीर की गतिविधियों जैसे पाचन और पेशाब में मदद करने के लिए माना जाता है। यह ऊर्जा को तुरंत बढ़ावा देने में मदद करता है। नारियल पानी के पोषण तथ्य नारियल पानी हरे नारियल के अंदर मौजूद एक स्पष्ट तरल है। 95% से अधिक नारियल पानी पानी है। एक औसत हरा नारियल लगभग 0.5-1 कप नारियल पानी प्रदान करता है। नारियल पानी विभिन्न खनिजों और इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स जैसे पोटेशियम, कैल्शियम, मैंगनीज, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट, अमीनो एसिड और साइटोकिनिन से भरपूर होता है।  नारियल पानी पोटेशियम का सबसे अच्छा स्रोत है और इसमें लगभग 470 मिलीग्राम पोटेशियम होता है। यह अन्य रसों के विपरीत कैलोरी, कार्बोहाइड्रेट, चीनी में कम है।             ...

How herbs used in different diseases ( aloevera) - howherbs.

          Uses of aloevera in various diseases Nasa, Sinusitis:- Pain on the eyebrows of the eyes due to cold is a symptom of cholecystitis. In case of cholecystitis, eat garlic and honey in good quantity for two weeks, then gradually reduce their intake. Apply warm aloe Vera juice on both sides of the forehead and nostrils. Squeeze the juice of aloe Vera in the nose thrice daily.  Fill a bowl of water and add some aloe Vera  juice and eucalyptus lotion to it and heat it and draw its steam in through the nose. This will be beneficial in sinusitis. Nails:- Deformities in the nails come from a lack of vitamins A, B, B-12, protein and calcium. Nails start drying, cracking, the effect of fungus is more on the nails. Aloe Vera is beneficial in this. Apply the juice of aloe Vera on a hungry stomach regularly. Apply its cream, ointment.  Mix the juice of aloe Vera  with Vaseline, glycerin and apply it on the nails. Snoring in sleep:- While sleeping ...

How herbs cure skin disorders - howherbs.

                  skin disorders and aloevera                                  How herbs cure skin disorders  1. By tying a poultice of urad in the pulp of aloe Vera,  purulent abscess bursts and heals. 2. Mix turmeric in linseed poultice. Simultaneously heat the pulp of aloe Vera and tie it on the boil. The boil will burst and burst and the patient will get relief. 3. Make a powder by grinding the five parts (flower, seed, leaf, bark and root) of Tulsi plant and mix the pulp of the leaves of aloe Vera and apply it on the skin with a hot thick paste, then there will be ringworm, scabies, itching, boils. Fills up quickly.   4. Mix equal quantity of juice of basil leaves in coconut oil and cook it on low flame. When the oil is ready, add some part of the wax. Simultaneously heat the pulp of the aloevera lightly. Applying ointment prepared from al...

How to cure heart disease from aloevera - howherbs.

                                                    Heart disease and aloevera                                         How to cure heart disease from aloevera                                                  How herbs cure heart disease  1. Blood pressure was of Sarpagandha, take Shilajit in the mixture and suffocate both of them in the juice of aloe Vera and prepare tablets. Take 1 tablet in the morning and evening with milk or water. 2. If the heart suffers, low blood pressure, if the heart beats a lot, then in the morning take 10 grams of aloeveraand 2 spoons of honey by adding a little rock salt. 3. Take equal quantity of Aak flo...

Best 15 uses of aloevera to reduce obesity - howherbs

                                                              obesity and aloe Vera  1. Mixing a lemon in half a glass of warm water, 20 ml on an empty stomach. Take it with the pulp of aloevera, it reduces obesity. 2. Taking 2-3 Rattis or Shuddh Guggul 4-5 Rattis with aloevera juice daily, it ends obesity very quickly. The power increases. 3. People who have heavy stomach and obesity, take Triphala powder and Guarpatha pulp on an empty stomach regularly, then 10 kg weight is definitely reduced in 1 month. 4. After the meal, heat the juice of cowpea and take 4-4 spoons in the morning and evening, then obesity is cured and the pain disappears. 5. Taking 6 grams of ginger juice, 2 teaspoons honey and 10 grams pulp of guarpatha together ends obesity.                        ...